08 Jul



We appreciate the opportunity to offer comments concerning the Draft Water System Consolidation Study Report prepared by Gray & Osborne (June 2024).

The detail offered by the draft report in assessing the current condition of Cathlamet utility systems and the projects and expenditures necessary to maintain and improve the system are helpful. We take the report seriously and will work with the Town Council in cooperation with the PUD to make certain Town utility systems continue to function effectively and efficiently in providing essential utility services.

As the attached reports and appendices indicate, however, we also wish to respectfully state that the draft PUD Report has many errors and omissions and will benefit from corrections and a revised draft. The Town is particularly concerned that Town residents and ratepayers may face a “triple whammy” from the proposed utility consolidation, including:

o double-digit utility rate increases;

o higher taxes just to maintain the current level of services the Town provides; and

o Reductions and/or loss of Town Services including the Library, the Julia Butler Hansen Pool, and maintenance of City parks (including the new Waterfront Park).

No one argues the PUD would not do a good job providing water and utility services within the Town if a merger took place. But the fact that the PUD would do a good job does not mean the Town is doing a bad job. To the contrary, even with limited resources and staff, the Town is proud of its longstanding record of providing good water and wastewater services to the citizens of Cathlamet.

At the end of the day, the proposed consolidation should not come at the expense of the citizens and ratepayers of the Town of Cathlamet. The citizens of the Town should not bear the primary burden of increased rates, taxes, and potential erosion of critical public services. Nor should Cathlamet ratepayers bear the burden of PUD capital projects (such as the water project on Puget Island) which do not directly benefit the Town.

Our detailed comments are attached. Thank you for your careful consideration.


David C. Olson, 

Mayor Town of Cathlamet 

Email: david.olson@townofcathlamet.com

Consolidation Study | Wahkiakum PUD