Eligibility: One member may be an out-of-town resident living anywhere in Wahkiakum County while the other two members must be in-town residents. In selecting the planning commission, the town council shall seek to ensure representation that includes members with an understanding of architecture and urban planning, economic development, community involvement, and the specific concerns of Cathlamet residents and business operators.
Training: Every member of the governing body of a public agency must complete training on the requirements of the OPMA & PRA no later than ninety days after the date the member assumes public office and such training must be repeated every 4-years while in office. (RCW 42.30.205; 42.56.150)
Availability: A commissioner shall attend no less than 80 percent of regular meetings during any 12-month period. Members should have a general understanding of architecture, urban planning, economic development, community involvement, and the specific concerns of Cathlamet residents and business operators.
Application: A completed
Town Planning Commission Application must be upload to your website application submission or returned to the Clerk-Treasurer at Town Hall, 375 2nd Street, Cathlamet, WA 98612.