Eligibility: Two members may be out-of-town residents living anywhere in Wahkiakum County. The other three members must be in-town residents. In selecting the trustees, the council shall seek to ensure representation that includes experience with the functions of public and private libraries, serving on oversight boards, and a demonstrated commitment to promoting public education, culture, and intellectual development to a diverse community.
Training: Every member of the governing body of a public agency must complete training on the requirements of the OPMA & PRA no later than ninety days after the date the member assumes public office and such training must be repeated every 4-years while in office. (RCW 42.30.205; 42.56.150)
Availability: A trustee shall attend no less than 75 percent of the regular meetings scheduled by the board each year. Meetings missed after pre-arrangement with the chair shall not be counted as unexcused absences. Failure to meet the board of trustees’ attendance requirements shall be grounds for removal of a trustee by the town council.
Application: A completed
Town Library Board Application must be upload to your website application submission or returned to the Clerk-Treasurer at Town Hall, 25 Broadway Street, PO Box 68, Cathlamet, WA 98612, or via email to