115 Columbia Street, Cathlamet, WA, USA


The Town is now accepting applications for Position 1. 

Town Library Board Application


Eligibility: Two members may be out-of-town residents living anywhere in Wahkiakum County. The other three members must be in-town residents. In selecting the trustees, the council shall seek to ensure representation that includes experience with the functions of public and private libraries, serving on oversight boards, and a demonstrated commitment to promoting public education, culture, and intellectual development to a diverse community.

Training: Every member of the governing body of a public agency must complete training on the requirements of the OPMA & PRA no later than ninety days after the date the member assumes public office and such training must be repeated every 4-years while in office. (RCW 42.30.205; 42.56.150)

Availability: A trustee shall attend no less than 75 percent of the regular meetings scheduled by the board each year. Meetings missed after pre-arrangement with the chair shall not be counted as unexcused absences. Failure to meet the board of trustees’ attendance requirements shall be grounds for removal of a trustee by the town council.

Application: A completed Town Library Board Application must be upload to your website application submission or returned to the Clerk-Treasurer at Town Hall, 25 Broadway Street, PO Box 68, Cathlamet, WA 98612, or via email to accounting@townofcathlamet.com.

Skills & Abilities

Salary & Schedule

The trustees shall serve without compensation.


The library board of trustees consists of five members appointed by the mayor, with the power to hire a librarian, set library policy on the mission, goals, and objectives, propose a budget, and perform the duties of governance pursuant to RCW 27.12.190 and 27.12.210, as amended.

Specific duties include:
  • Know community needs, keep abreast of library trends, and actively participate in state and national library associations.
  • Set up an organizational structure for the library board and adopt bylaws that meet Open Public Meetings laws.
  • Assure that board minutes, library policies, plans, and other information or reports are available to the public as required by law.
  • Once the board adopts a policy or plan all members support the decision and support staff who implement decisions.
  • In coordination with the director, develop and adopt the library's mission statement, long-range, strategic and annual plans.
  • Know local, state, and federal laws related to libraries.
  • Employ a competent and qualified director, maintain a current job description, and evaluate the director annually on previously agreed upon criteria.
  • Clearly delegate operations to library director avoiding procedural micromanaging.
  • Discuss, adopt, and periodically review policies.
The terms of office of the initial five trustees shall be for one, two, three, four, and five years, and thereafter the trustees shall be appointed annually for a term of five years.