Utility bills are due on the 5th of each month, unless it falls on a weekend or legal state holiday then they are due the following business day.
Payments can be made via cash, check, debit or credit (excluding American Express).
> Online (learn more about Xpress Bill Pay by clicking here)
> By Phone: 1-877-265-5866 (7am-4pm on weekdays & 8am-3pm on Saturdays) or 360-795-3203 ext. 2 (during Town Hall office hours, Monday - Thursday: 8:30 am - 12:30 pm & 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm)
> In-person, dropbox or mail to:
Town of Cathlamet
P.O. Box 68
25 Broadway Street
Cathlamet, WA 98612
Doxo is not affiliated with the Town. Using this service may incur fees and payments are remitted via check, so there will be a delay between payment and crediting, which could result in late fees.
All utility bills are due and payable in full on the fifth (5th) day of the month for the prior months usage, approximately one month after the closing date reflected on the billing. (For example, usage for the month of January is billed on February 6th and then due March 5th.) If the fifth falls on a weekend or a legal holiday recognized by the town, charges are due and payable the following business day. If payment is not received in a timely manner, the unpaid bill shall become delinquent and a termination notice shall be given, informing the customer that termination of service shall occur no sooner than 10 days from the date of mailing of the notice of termination of service.
Payments received after the 5th of the month are considered late. Water service may be terminated when any portion of the utility bill is unpaid and delinquent. A late charge shall be levied against any customer who becomes delinquent, which shall be not less than $30.00. If your service is terminated for nonpayment, your account will be subject to a turn-off fee of $30.00 and a turn-on fee of $30.00.
NOTE: Failure of customer to receive a billing mailed by the Town does not prevent assessment of a late penalty. Bills are usually sent out no later than the 8th of the month and payments are always due on the 5th of the next month. If you have not received your utility statement by the 15th of the month, please contact town staff or view your billing statement online at Xpress Bill Pay.
All utility bills, including water and sewer billings, shall be the responsibility of the property owner for purposes of liens which may be assessed by the town of Cathlamet as provided in this chapter. However, utility billings may be sent to the tenants or residents of commercial or residential property under the following conditions: (1) A deposit has been made by the tenant (CMC 13.15.040), a current address of the owner of real property is maintained with the town of Cathlamet, which is the responsibility of the owner, and any changes in the residents or tenants of the property are made known to the town by the owner. (2) Such billing, once sent to the tenant or agent, will become the responsibility of the tenant or agent as well as the property owner, and each can be held jointly and severally liable for such billing.